Monday, 10 August 2020

Emotion analysis on Pandemic situation due to Corona using Machine Learning - Data science

Emotion analysis on Pandemic situation due to COVID 19 using Machine Learning - Data science

The impact of COVID 19 throughout the country created unexpected lockdowns and situations that push the peoples to stay inside the home for an uncertain duration. the most impacting factors of the current situation and the reasons of emotional ups and downs during this period will be analyzed by using the communication data as input. the proposed study focused on analyzing the impacting factors and even small detailings of the life situations that enable the people to feel stressed and how far the stress affected their daily life. the study is implemented using machine learning algorithm that incorporated with data science and deep analysis for prediction of the pandemic situation in terms of emotions. the proposed model also provides the solution and suggestions based on the gathered data with the help of medical information collected from doctors and physiatrists. 

The proposed research work would be implemented for PhD / Mtech / Btech level.

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