Image Processing

Digital Image processing

Camera is the low cost and accessible device everyone holding in their hand through mobile phones. Android based applications are growing rapidly which enable the creators to invent more image oriented applications.

Image processing plays a major role in Medical, Consumer Electronics, Industrial Quality control and Computer Vision control devices with a ease of processing and accessible techniques

VLSI based image processing also become booming now which combine the High speed FPGA device with High resolution image processing. Image processing in FPGA device enable the autonomous applications which can work independently through sensible devices and memory architecture.

Reconfigurable architecture of  FPGA  is one of the advantage when processing the large dataset of image samples. datasets are collected from real time applications. The datasets are consists of combined info about the subject and time, velocity or the required info to be processed.

Analyzing the dataset is one of the important work in handling the data. The data we obtain from internets, comments , images, sound samples all contains large number of connected info, hence each and every pixel info to be processed effectively in image processing.

In our some of the upcoming post we discuss about FPGA based image processing technology, Neural networks in FPGA - Digital Image processing - Neural networks - fuzzy logics - neuro fuzzy interface - Deep neural network - convolutional neural network - back propagation neural network - feed forward neural network -

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