of Bradcardia and Tachycardia through optimized neural computing model
So what is Bradcardia and Tachycardia , as the name represents something about the Cardia yes, it denotes the pulse operations. As a normal human holds 70 to 100 beats per minute is considered as the primary pulse rate, where the Bradcardia and tachycardia is the detection of slow heart rate and fast heart rate.
Bradcardia is the term represents the slower heart rate that beats less than that of 60 bpm. the reason for bradcardia is due to certain medications, aging, electrolyte imbalance etc.
Tachycardia represents the faster heart rate more than 100 Beats per minute. The reason for tachycardia is due to stress, anxiety, heart disease and unhealthy life style habits.
An optimized detection of Bradcardia and Tachycardia using Neural computing model requires the stacked data of heart rate and analyze the model using the complete training data. Neural computing architecture is utilized here in order to detect the dynamic changes occuring in the models.
Some of the sample results shows like this.
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