Tuesday, 15 August 2017

vlsi project centre in chennai : Sample VHDL code for passcode generation

Hope this post will be helpful !!!

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity encrypt is
port(clk,clr: in std_logic;
data_out: out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
sel_out: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
original_data: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0));
end encrypt;

architecture behave of encrypt is

signal pass_code_data: std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
signal prio_data: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal din: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal  ad: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal sel: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);


din<= original_data;

    if clr='1' then
        elsif rising_edge(clk) then
        sel<= sel+1;
   end if;
end process Counter_as_Selection;          

sel_out   <=   sel;

-- Encryption Process
ad(0)   <= din(0) xor din(1);
ad(1)   <= din(2) xor din(3);
ad(2)   <= din(4) xor din(5);
ad(3)   <= din(6) xor din(7);
ad(4)   <= din(8) xor din(9);
ad(5)   <= din(10) xor din(11);
ad(6)   <= din(12) xor din(13);
ad(7)   <= din(14) xor din(15);
ad(8)   <= din(16) xor din(17);
ad(9)  <= din(18) xor din(19);
ad(10)  <= din(20) xor din(21);
ad(11)  <= din(22) xor din(23);
ad(12)  <= din(24) xor din(25);
ad(13)  <= din(26) xor din(27);
ad(14)  <= din(28) xor din(29);
ad(15)  <= din(30) xor din(31);

-- Priority informations
    if clr='1' then
        case sel is
            when    "0001"    =>    prio_data    <=    "0100";
            when    "0010"    =>    prio_data    <=    "1000";
            when    "0011"    =>    prio_data    <=    "0110";
            when    "0100"    =>    prio_data    <=    "0011";
            when    "0101"    =>    prio_data    <=    "1001";
            when    "0110"    =>    prio_data    <=    "1010";
            when    "0111"    =>    prio_data    <=    "0010";
            when    "1000"    =>    prio_data    <=    "0001";
            when    "1001"    =>    prio_data    <=    "1100";
            when    "1010"    =>    prio_data    <=    "1111";
            when    "1011"    =>    prio_data    <=    "1110";
            when    "1100"    =>    prio_data    <=    "1011";
            when    "1101"    =>    prio_data    <=    "0101";
            when    "1110"    =>    prio_data    <=    "0111";
            when    others    =>    prio_data    <=    "1101";
         end case;
end if;                     
end process priority_selector;

    if clr='1' then
        case sel is
            when    "0001"    =>    pass_code_data    <=    ("0100")&("1111")&("0100" XOR "1111");
            when    "0010"    =>    pass_code_data    <=    "1000"&"1111"& ("0100" XOR "1111");
            when    "0011"    =>    pass_code_data    <=    "0110"&"1111"& ("0100" XOR "1111");
            when    "0100"    =>    pass_code_data    <=    "0011"&"1111"& ("0100" XOR "1111");
            when    "0101"    =>    pass_code_data    <=    "1001"&"1111"& ("0100" XOR "1111");
            when    "0110"    =>    pass_code_data    <=    "1010"&"1111"& ("0100" XOR "1111");
            when    "0111"    =>    pass_code_data    <=    "0010"&"1111"& ("0100" XOR "1111");
            when    "1000"    =>    pass_code_data    <=    "0001"&"1111"& ("0100" XOR "1111");
            when    "1001"    =>    pass_code_data    <=    "1100"&"1111"& ("0100" XOR "1111");
            when    "1010"    =>    pass_code_data    <=    "1111"&"1111"& ("0100" XOR "1111");
            when    "1011"    =>    pass_code_data    <=    "1110"&"1111"& ("0100" XOR "1111");
            when    "1100"    =>    pass_code_data    <=    "1011"&"1111"& ("0100" XOR "1111");
            when    "1101"    =>    pass_code_data    <=    "0101"&"1111"& ("0100" XOR "1111");
            when    "1110"    =>    pass_code_data    <=    "0111"&"1111"& ("0100" XOR "1111");
            when    others    =>    pass_code_data    <=    "1101"&"1111"& ("0100" XOR "1111");
         end case;
end if;                     
data_out<= ad & prio_data & pass_code_data & original_data;
end behave;   

matlab projects in chennai: Project review help

Project Review Support :

Project reviews are very important and it is an opportunity to show your talent and skills to others.
Students generally think project review is a burden for them. But it is an simple pathway for students to prepare their mind for upcoming interviews.

Once you started doing your project work, delicately involve in team activities you are started learning new challenges and learn to provide good solutions

Project work in the final year enable the students to understand their technical stuff and make the students to strengthen their weaken side. Students should put 100% effort in their project work in the final semester to correct themselves and prepare their mind for upcoming interviews 

Project Report

IEEE Project report work is an important job which involves lots of effort and need time. in the final semester the project report preparation needs lots of patience too. Students should take up the projects report in a serious way and should try to learn new things from the work, Since doing documentation for the technical work is also an job in industry

Project PPT Preparation Guidelines

Power point presentation of the ieee final year project should be presentable in good way

Students should prepare it with full effort for the final year project

Project ppt report shoukd contain all information about the project

Project Review questions depends upon this final semester project ppt also

PPT should contain only short hints or points of the information to be conveyed

Technical block diagram and applications of the final year project is important

VLSI projects embedded projects matlab projects requires more attention

Projects output simulation and hardware should be explained well in ppt

Final year project work will add weightage to your resume too.

Contact us for Free PPT and Project Reports !!!!