Wednesday, 25 January 2017

vlsi projects in chennai : Eliminating Synchronization Latency Using Sequenced Latching

Eliminating Synchronization Latency Using Sequenced Latching

A concept of multicore system is designed which have a large number of components operating in different clock domains and communicating through asynchronous interfaces. These interfaces use synchronizer circuits, which guard against metastability failures but introduce latency in processing the asynchronous input. In the Existing design a speculative method that hides synchronization latency by overlapping it with computation cycles. The accuracy of our approach through a field programmable gate array implementation and apply it to a number of synthesized benchmarks. Synthesis results reveal that our approach achieves average savings of 135% and 204% in area costs and nearly 100% in power costs compared to two similar speculative techniques.

We Design  a speculative method that hides synchronization latency by overlapping it with computation cycles. We verify the correctness of our approach through a field programmable gate array implementation and apply it to a number of synthesized benchmarks. Synthesis results reveal that our approach achieves average savings of 135% and 204% in area costs and nearly 100% in power costs compared to two similar speculative techniques.

In the proposed system the sequencing of latches has been done by designing a control circuit which make the circuit work depend on the control inputs from the generator. The sequencing my be at the rising edge of clock or falling edge of the control clock, By doing this we can reduce lots of elements required for synchronizer and the control circuit may be done with a few Flip flops.

Design Environment: XILINX ISE
Language: VHDL
Simulation: MODELSIM / XILINX ISE Simulator
XILINX SPARTAN Development Board
Device: XC3S500E