Monday, 28 September 2015

A Low-Complexity Turbo Decoder Architecture for Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks

A Low-Complexity Turbo Decoder Architecture for
Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks
Energy constrained wireless communication applications realization is done here, to facilitate low transmission energy consumption, reduce the overall energy consumption; lookup table-log-BCJR (LUT-Log-BCJR) architectures having low processing energy consumption are required. In this existing design, we decompose the LUT-Log-BCJR architecture into its most fundamental add compare select (ACS) operations and perform them using a novel low-complexity ACS unit. We demonstrate that our architecture employs an order of magnitude fewer gates than the most recent LUT-Log-BCJR architectures, facilitating a 71% energy consumption reduction. Compared to state-of-the-art maximum logarithmic Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv implementations, our approach facilitates a 10% reduction in the overall energy consumption at ranges above 58 m.

Existing System:-                            
In this existing design, we implemented the LUT-Log-BCJR architecture into its most fundamental add compare select (ACS) operations and perform them using a novel low-complexity ACS unit. The demonstration also simulates the energy efficiency, and power reduction as shown in this paper.

Proposed System:-
In the proposed system the LUT log BCJR is designed with Clock gating technique which leads to reduction in Power consumption and energy consumption reduction is carried out. The circuit is converted into digital hardware.

Module Description
Module 1: Design of

 Software Requirements:-
Design Environment: XILINX ISE
Language: VHDL
Simulation: MODELSIM / XILINX ISE Simulator

Hardware Requirements’:-
XILINX SPARTAN Development Board
Device: XC3S500E