Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Ph.D. Research Ideas using Machine Learning

Ph.D. Research Ideas using Machine Learning

Robust prediction model for Nanosensor performance measure using Machine learning techniques
This is an interesting analysis idea with novelty in creating an efficient algorithm that measures the performance of so many nanosensors in the medical industry used for invasive testings for COVID-19. Machine learning algorithms such as random forest, decision tree algorithms are used to incorporate hybrid algorithms to measure the performance of the nanosensors.

Novel prediction model for Detection of Herbal plant disease using AI methods
The concept uses the live dataset of herbal plants that are used for so many ayurvedic treatments and used as raw material for medicines. the disease in such plants and spreading of the disease become evident on huge destroy of the plant hybrids. the proposed method uses the software model that captures the image of the herbal plants and detects the type of disease and root cause of the same. Novelty is produced through the IOT application and efficient usage of AI algorithms.

Low power FPGA architecture for neural Accelerators
Neural networks and machine learning become vital in any kind of software application and consumer software to improve the service better. usage of machine learning algorithms obviously needs a large space for processing. utilization of on-chip machine learning algorithms is interested in researchers. this proposed system derived from various literature studies to produce novel & Low power FPGA hardware-based Neural accelerators. 

For more Research idea, write to us

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Wednesday, 7 October 2020

How to write a Journal paper 5 STEPS !!!

Step 1: Clearly define your Research Objective
The important step involved in writing a journal paper writing is finding a unique objective for the research work that needs to be conducted. The objective should be clear and unique. it defines your future scope and motivation factor to proceed. the objective selection will be done by comparing the future needs and already presented research works on the same stream.

Step 2: Identify the problem Statement
A novel idea is always worth publishing in a journal. your idea should be unique and that provides a solution to the previously faced problems that might be comparatively discussed in the literature survey. Through various research papers and their impacts on your present implementation, clearly identify the problem that is going to be addressed in your research work. The problem statement might be related to a better solution, choosing a better methodology, achieving higher accuracy, etc.

Step 3: Declare a solution statement
The next step of the research paper is declaring an apt solution that is going to solve the problem defined. The solution statement should be novel and comparatively unique with the previously done research works. Modification in the parameters, changes in the design methodology, creating a new method are some of the key factors to be considered while declaring the solution statement.

Step 4: Select Tool & Design technique
The selection of the best design technique that is suitable for achieving the proposed novelty is important. hence tool selection needs to be considered. The tools should be the latest and actively engaged in the current scenarios. The selection of new tools is recommended.  The design technique might be a small variation in the existing methodologies, tuning of existing processing steps, or hybridizing one or more methodology. A clearly explained block diagram and algorithm diagram with simple words are worth a mile to achieve good plagiarism and adding weightage to the journal paper.

Step 5: Implement Result & Derive Conclusion
Select the required design environment, implement the proposed plan, and obtain the results. Most of the results should be comparatively explained with the previous methodologies implemented. Adding more graphical representation included weightage to the paper. The comparative table should compare the previous research submission of the past 5 years minimum. Add the relevant future scope of the conducted research work. Check for plagiarism and Linguistic check before publishing.

Hope the Content is Useful !!!

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Wednesday, 30 September 2020

How to install Modelsim Software and How to download Modelsim Free software

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Monday, 10 August 2020

Emotion analysis on Pandemic situation due to Corona using Machine Learning - Data science

Emotion analysis on Pandemic situation due to COVID 19 using Machine Learning - Data science

The impact of COVID 19 throughout the country created unexpected lockdowns and situations that push the peoples to stay inside the home for an uncertain duration. the most impacting factors of the current situation and the reasons of emotional ups and downs during this period will be analyzed by using the communication data as input. the proposed study focused on analyzing the impacting factors and even small detailings of the life situations that enable the people to feel stressed and how far the stress affected their daily life. the study is implemented using machine learning algorithm that incorporated with data science and deep analysis for prediction of the pandemic situation in terms of emotions. the proposed model also provides the solution and suggestions based on the gathered data with the help of medical information collected from doctors and physiatrists. 

The proposed research work would be implemented for PhD / Mtech / Btech level.

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Thursday, 28 May 2020

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See the Video simulation of Face and finger Minutiae based cloud security system and authentication model. the system is implemented using MATLAB software.
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Monday, 11 May 2020

Journal Paper Publishing Support

Journal Paper Publishing

When it comes to research or case studies, dissertation, thesis works Engineering students must create their own ideological paper that pretends to be extendable for the future scope. Such paper can speak sound about the area they might be interested in, an area that they have sound knowledge and experience, that may give them new opportunities in their career, etc. Journal publishing provides an authenticated validation for those peoples to initiate their research work in a particular area.

Types of Journal Publishing
Journal publishing can be broadly classified into two categories simply. Local journal publishing and International Journal publishing. UG/ PG category peoples are eligible for local journal publishing which can be done through university organized conferences, journal supports, and participation of journal publishing through their self-interest.

International Journal publishing is required when a research scholar or a research person started initiating the research career to get the initial course work to be continued by getting validation from an international journal. international journal publishing needs strong knowledge on the area of research undertaken. 

Steps to be Followed
  • The Steps to be followed to publish a journal paper is a set of procedures with proper instructions.
  • First of all, clear explanatory content about the paper concept, important keywords, and citations with references are included in the paper with the given format of the journal to be published. 
  • SEC I explains the clear introduction about the area of research, the domain knowledge, and application of the same. the first section also explains about the problem of the particular study topic, and that should be solved by the present proposed framework.
  • SEC II explains the Literature survey of present work. it consists of previous year research papers and the techniques used in the previous works.
  • SEC III explains the software and hardware technology to be adapted for developing the proposed framework. 
  • SEC IV explains the Design methodology to be adopted for implementing the proposed topic and how the results are obtained. 
  • SEC V explains the results and comparative analysis table obtained, the comparative graph etc.
  • Clear references and article links are provided.
  • The completed script should be Plagarism free !!!


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