Tuesday, 24 January 2017

students projects in chennai - FIR filter design with distributed arithmetic algorithm - dataflow results

FIR FILTER implementation with Distributed Arithmetic Concept

We implemented successfully and finaly got the data flow results for the same.
Just go through it.

Module Descriptions are below

Module  Description
Design of Signal Shaping Circuit
Design of Signal Shaping Circuit is used to generate the analog informative signal by converting them in to discrete slots of waves. A Counter circuit connected with a LUT stores the required signal parameter informations which is operated with respect to system clock
Design of Configurable DA Algorithm
Distributed arithmetic is based on the function Fj which takes 2N different values. For all input, values are pre-computed earlier and stored in a look-up table. Bit j of each data xij is used to address look-up table. Eq. shows that three different operations are required for calculation of the inner product.. Distributed arithmetic computations are bit-serial in nature, in which, each bit of the input samples are indexed in turn before a new output sample becomes available in next clock cycle. The input is represented with B bits which is used to calculate inner-product within LUT.
Design of FIR FILTER blocks
This module consists of FIR filter blocks which enable the MCM concept using distributed arithmetic algorithm, here we use clock gating and power gated methods of architecture implementation to efficiently integrate the distributed arithmetic encapsulated FIR concept
Integration Module
This module is used to integrate all the sub modules associated with the main program such as signal shaper, parallel filter module, Digital analyser etc


Simulation Results

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